MIDI-PAC manual online

Tjeerd of WORP3 just informed us that the first version of the long awaited MIDI-PAC manual is ready!

Inside you will find a lot of information about the MSX-DOS utilities for MIDI-PAC, the setup and configuration options.

You can download this manual from the WORP3 website, www.worp3.com (in the download section).

4 thoughts on “MIDI-PAC manual online

  1. Hi. (sorry for my bad english)

    I want know if the MIDI PAC can repeat the FM PAC mélody without rework the effects and limit the beauty of Général midi instruments ?

    The reason of my question it’s very simple!
    I want create a KARAOKE System with use the MIDI PAC and Général Midi Instrumental quality!

    For the singing, i use à microphone (600 Oms) with a pré-amplifier (K1803 Welleman Kit “9€”) and i plug it in the LINE connection of the Fm Stéréo Pac. It work perfectly!

    Best regards.

  2. Are you meaning that it is possible to record a music/song inside the MIDI-PAC and play it afterwards ?
    I so then i have to say no. It’s not possible to record any music inside the MIDI-PAC.

    But i guess that their are a lot of possibilities on storing msx music’s on your harddisk/sd-card.

    Please let me know if you mean something else !

  3. hello. ( You speak French or Hebrew? lol)

    I want to know if the MIDI PAC can play the FM-PAC melody without modifying STAMP or ENVELOPE notes played!

    In other words, the MIDI PAC can he play MIDI INSTRUMENTS without trying to make them resembling INSTRUMENTS FM PAC?

    This question interests me in my project of creating a MSX KARAOKE!

    Thank you.

    • I guess i’m speaking latin 😀

      The MIDI-PAC is default playing with standards MIDI instrument and it will only use the key on/off, modulation, volume and instrument change commands. It will not manipulating the instruments with custom commands as this would mean that it won’t work within the GM standard.
      Note: For those who want to change the midi instrument parameters, it’s supported but default turned off.

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